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Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Something like Spring

Perhaps it wouldn’t be fair to call it hibernating, given the mild winter. The Iditarod is still winding down and I have a ton on my plate for the coming months, but for the first time in many months I have time to think about the road ahead. It’s not like I have the wildest […]

New Look

After a couple years with the dark look, I’ve upgraded the site theme to a newer cleaner one called HelloSexy. It does a much better job of working with the syntax highlighting enhancements so code samples should look much better.

Moped Rebuild: Let’s begin

The Plan After working on a Honda Express II last summer, I decided that it was time to purchase a real ride. The idea was to findĀ  a working scooter in good, ride-able condition. I wanted to be able to fill it with gas, put in the key, and ride around town. No hassles, just […]

Firefox 3.5 has arrived

Mozilla Firefox 3.5 has been released. They claim improved JavaScript performance and an overall faster browsing experience. I really hope that’s the case. My main development station is a Thinkpad T30. Not the fastest machine around, but rock solid IBM design. It’s starting to show its age, especially on JS heavy sites, so any software-based […]

Welcome to the beginning

After yet another year of blog inactivity, I’ve decided to bite the bullet and start over with WordPress. I recently worked on a plugin for the blog software and gained a lot of experience with the platform’s internals. For anyone who cares, WordPress 2.7’s Dashboard is really slick. It cleans up a lot of the […]